ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module

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$5 dollar Wi-Fi Jammer? Yes you are reading correct! TEST ONLY in your PRIVATE TESTING LAB and ONLY on DEVICES THAT YOU OWN!!! PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL!!! The ESP8266 is an inexpensive module, that in a matter of seconds jams the Wi-Fi signal of your Wireless Access Point and deauthorizes all of the devices connected with it. This can be helpful in case you want to collect the handshake that your devices are sharing with your Access Point. Once you obtain the handshake you can try to crack and collect the password of the access point.

It is a small version of some radio jammers used to knock out radio communications in a war zone. The module doesn't do anything if you don't install the Deauther software, that you can find at this link. The web site is very intuitive, all you need is Arduino IDE. Simply load the code into your ESP8266 module. Once installed just connect your laptop or phone to the network "pwned" associated with your ESP8266 module (the password is "deauther" and you can change the name after login: mine is Wu-Tang Lan) and when the device is connected go to your browser and type, congratulations you are in!

Once you click "agree", you are ready to explore the software and manage it like you prefer. You can create fake hotspots and go through different attacks that the software comes with. This is a very nice project to put in your experience backpack to really understand protocols like IEEE 802.11 ( //

I also recommend a visit to Spacehuhn website, a great resource for Ethical Hackers and Pentesters.